The Family Photojournalist Association first competition for 2020.
2020 v01
Contest Judges
David Leeson has been a staff photographer for The Dallas Morning News since 1984. In 2004, he was a Pulitzer Prize Winner for his photographs depicting the violence and poignancy of the war with Iraq. In 1985, Leeson was also a Pulitzer finalist for his photo coverage of apartheid in South Africa. In 1986, he lived on the streets of Dallas with the homeless for two months. The photos, published... Read more
Denny Simmons, BJ '93 is a University of Missouri graduate, currently a photographer/visuals coach with the Evansville Courier & Press and The Gleaner (Henderson, Ky.). Past positions include picture editor at the News Sun (Waukegan, Ill.), picture editor at the St. Joseph (Mo.) News-Press, and photographer at the Jacksonville (Ill.) Journal-Courier. Simmons was named NPPA's Best of... Read more
Martha Rial has been a staff photographer for the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette since 1994. She won the 1998 Pulitzer Prize for coverage of Rwandan and Burundian refugees in Tanzania. She is a past winner of the Scripps Howard Foundation Award for Photojournalism and has been named the Pennsylvania Newspaper Association Foundation Photographer of the Year.Read more
Susan Walsh has worked as a staff photographer for the Associated Press for the last 15 years covering everything from Presidents to Patriots — the ones from New England, or course! In 1999, Walsh was part of the Associated Press team to win the Pulitzer Prize. Most recently, Walsh served as president of the White House News Photographers Association ( from 2001 to 2006.Read more