Katrin Küllenberg
Katrin Küllenberg
Sometimes it seems the kids will never grow up and then you wake up one day and they are leaving home. Wouldn't it be wonderful then to go back in time and cherish those beautiful moments you all had together?! You might not think your everyday life very special, but, believe me, it is. This is what defines your family and I will come to your home to document all the fun and laughter, the little fights and tears. The best thing is: Your whole family will be in the pictures - even you who usually is the person behind the camera or phone. Why do I like family photography so much? I started out as a documentary wedding photographer and though I still love shooting beautiful couples and crazy parties on the dancefloor, I soon figured that all those kids getting wild on that day interested me even more. So I took my experience and steely nerves to that new genre of family photography, and found that it is not much different. With both, moment is key. The moments I collect over the day will make the families own story. Working at their home I try to find a lot of different perspectives and moments. I want to document the family with beautiful and surprising images that will make them see themselves anew I have been working as a documentary wedding and family photographer for seven years now. As a photographer, it is very important to keep pushing yourself. I don't want to become someone who settles in a routine, proclaiming "I found my style and not going to change anything!". This is called lazyness. There are so many great photographers out there and you can still learn a lot from them. That is why I try to attend a workshop once a year, either to learn more about technical skills like using flashes in a creative way or editing my pictures to the best or just getting inspired by the way other photographers approach their work. This has helped me to find my own unique style and has won me lots of awards. I especially love to be a curator for award collections. This sharpens your eye and makes you think about what makes an image relevant and beautiful.
14 FPJA Spotlight
60 Awards for Documentary Family Photography
5 TOP Family Photographer Titles
The FPJA proudly recognizes Katrin Küllenberg as a TOP International Family Photographer. Members holding the most contest points at the end of each year are ranked as TOP Family Photographers.